Modern Sudan Award for Photography:
the Cobogó
Modern Sudan Collective, the Sudan chapter of Docomomo International, and its collaborator, the Sudan Artists Fund, welcome submissions for ‘Modern Sudan’, an annual award dedicated to portraying modern architecture in Sudan. Participants are invited to submit a photograph, or a series of photographs (maximum 5) which highlight modernity in the built environment, conceived between 1800 and 1989.
The theme for the second annual photography award is the ‘Cobogó’. This element is often associated with the modern movement in Latin America. However, regionally, it is a revival of the mashrabiya; a traditional element in Arab-Islamic architecture. This element is often deployed as a decolonial assertions of Arab-Islamic identity. In Sudan specifically the ‘Cobogó’ has been deployed by architects such as Abdel Moneim Mustafa and Petermuller for its climate control function.
We invite participants to examine this element photographically; its materiality, functionality, aesthetics, modular design, interaction with light, history, genealogy, and the activity of people around it.
The photographic submission must be accompanied by a short supporting statement of 100-200 words. Each photograph must include a caption containing the date, location, and the medium used. The text may be submitted in Arabic, English, or both.
All photographs must be 300 dpi in resolution.
Award Conditions
- Applicants may only submit as individuals
- The participant retains all copyrights for their photography and Modern Sudan Collective is permitted to use and share the submitted documents
August 2023: Conversations with jurors
September 30, 2023, 11:59 pm (Sudan time): Submission deadline
December 2023: Results announced
TBD: Exhibition
Jury members
Ahmed Alaeldin Abushakeema
Esra Akcan
Darren Bradley
Fernando Lara
Olivia Marra (AA VS Rio de Janeiro)
The jury will assess the submissions based on the chosen subject and its depiction.
The winning submission will be awarded $500 by the Sudan Artists Fund.
Submit your entry to the following email using the enclosed form:
Download submission form
Jury Panel