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Mohieldin Gamal returned to Sudan in 2021 after studying at the University of Nottingham and working at prominent architectural practices in London. He is currently a freelance architect working on several social projects, teaching at the University of Khartoum, and researching built heritage. Mohieldin is a founding member of MSc.


Ahmed Alaeldin Abushakeema is a photographer with experience of 7 years in documentary photography, fashion photography, and architectural photography; he holds a Bachelor of Arts degree specialising in photography from the Budapest Metropolitan University in Hungary. Ahmed is a founding member of MSc.


Yasmin Hamad is a Sudanese urban designer and founding member of Docomomo Sudan based in the U.A.E. Her photographs track and document changes to the design of Abu Dhabi’s built environment, exploring the transient subject of future urban development in the city. A photo essay of her observations was featured in Arab Urbanism’s first issue online. By sharing her photographs, Yasmin hopes to invite a genuine understanding of cities and spaces that unfold past what is commonly perceived. Yasmin is a founding member of MSc.


Suha Hasan founded ASH, an architecture atelier based in Stockholm, Sweden. She is a former lecturer at the University of Bahrain. Before that, Suha trained and worked as a journalist. Suha is the co-founder of Mawane, a platform for urban research based in Bahrain. She is the director of the AA Visiting School Khartoum, which explores the intersection of architecture history and the environment. Her current research investigates the agency of architecture and archives in forming memory in the post-colonial city. She also serves as a consultant for UNDP Sudan. Suha is a founding member of MSc.

Hadeel Mohamed is a Sudanese-born and raised architect. She graduated with an Architecture and Urban Planning Bachelor degree from the University of Khartoum in 2018. She is the Co-Founder of Al Nafaj Architectural Studios and a practising Architect, Lighting Designer, Researcher and Publisher. Hadeel aims to create Architecture that reflects identity and embraces culture. Architecture that speaks to the community and serves the environment and the Human. As a person, her goal is to indulge in projects with an impact that aims to develop Human Life. Hadeel is a founding member of MSc.

Hussamaldeen Gomaa holds a Bachelor's and Master of Science degree in architecture. He is a faculty and associate in research at Omdurman Islamic University, as well as an architect & a designer at Memare Co. SDN. Hussamaldeen, is interested in expanding the borders of architecture and urban planning as a social and cultural practice by applying cutting-edge technologies and incorporating insights from other academic disciplines. Hussamaldeen is a founding member of MSc.

Sarah Kahil is a University of Khartoum graduate and teacher assistant, investigating the history and theories of modern architecture to post-modern and the reflection of that on Sudanese architecture. She co-founded Flow'er Initiative, an initiative that aims to create change starting from the local community of architecture schools. Sarah has worked with several local NGOs to achieve a common SDG and is pursuing a career in humanitarian development through urban planning and research.

Mai Abusalih is the current chair and country representative of the Docomomo Sudan Chapter. Mai is an architectural designer and researcher. She graduated with Columbia University's Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design with an honour award for excellence in design. Her research interests lie at the intersection of architecture, urbanization, history, memory, and death. Her work experience includes designing, teaching, podcasting and writing.

Omer Gorashi is a designer and photographer pursuing his Master of Architecture at Columbia University upon graduating from the University of Virginia. He has worked under several internationally acclaimed practitioners and collaborated as a research and teaching assistant on various exhibitions, publications, introductory courses, and workshops. While the palimpsestic nature of interests knows no specificity, he celebrates and enriches the human condition through the built environment, interrogating its contested histories and disparities.


Walaa Ismail is a junior architect and a creative writer interested in research. After graduating from the University of Khartoum, she co-founded Flow'er initiative, an initiative directed to make a change within the faculty. Walaa is fond of architecture and theory and has worked as a theory of architecture teaching assistant. Her designs have always spoken to the Sudanese society, its culture and the phenomenons associated with that particular society.

Randa Salih Ahmed holds a Bachelor's degree in Geography and Environment and a Master's degree in Territorial Development from the University of Geneva, focusing on urban issues in the Global South. She currently works as an urban planner and teaches Geography. Randa is passionate about research and has a particular interest in mobility issues. As such, she had the opportunity to write her thesis on the theme of urban mobility in Khartoum by analysing its socio-spatial practices. With a group of urban planners and architects friends, she co-founded the Atelier Tawzin, through which they work on various local and international projects.

Kamal Adam is a social media specialist majoring in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Khartoum. His interests in modern architecture and urban planning led him to involve with the works of STuDI, developing content on Sudanese architects and bringing media about Architecture to the masses. As a co-founder of several associations, such as AEE UofK and GDSC UofK, he is constantly building a better means of content creation to grant students and developers access to professional information.


Dalia Omer is an architect who graduated from the University of Khartoum with a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and a master's degree in Architecture and Urban Design from Politecnico di Milano. She is interested in working on existing contexts, from the urban scale to a particular architectural component. Dalia worked as a teaching assistant at her university's Faculty of Architecture and continued her experience in Khartoum with national and international architectural consultancy and construction companies, electrical companies and organizations. Currently, she is expanding her expertise in architecture in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, aiming to gain more experience and widen her perspectives. Dalia is most enthusiastic about conserving cultural heritage sites and raising the argument for preserving modern heritage, and she aspires to achieve change in her beloved homeland.

Mohamed Ahmed is a Sudanese architect and designer with a BSc in architecture from the University of Khartoum. His primary interest is the history and theory of architecture, post-modernism, and the science behind building in general. He has published articles on local and international platforms addressing how societies deal with architecture today. He is also interested in the intersection of architecture and users' senses and feelings and how people encounter architecture in their everyday life.

Abdelrahman Elbashir is an architect who graduated from the University of Khartoum with a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture; he is currently working on his joint master's thesis at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy; and the TU Graz, Austria. After graduating from the University of Khartoum, Abdelrahman worked as a teaching assistant at his university's Faculty of Architecture. During this period, he also worked for a few consultancy firms and volunteered as an architect and researcher for development projects, including Downtown Square Development Project. Abdelrahman has published articles for local and regional magazines and exhibited work in Sudan, Italy and Austria. He worked as a study assistant at the Technical University of Graz's Institute for Contemporary Art, where he expanded his expertise in research in Art, exhibiting and curating.

Waad Husein is a user experience designer and artist in the United States. She holds a Bachelor of Environmental Design and a Bachelor of Architecture from North Carolina State University. Her current industry is at the intersection of real estate and wellness, and she is looking to improve wellness and mental health within physical spaces. She is interested in exploring Sudanese history, culture and architecture through collaging.


Muram Shaheen is a passionate architecture graduate with interests spreading across several design fields. She is interested in all art and mediums and enjoys exploring, researching, and implementing. She has explored different architectural styles, theories, mediums, and representation methods during her university years. Muram enjoys creating innovative solutions to complex design problems and always pursues new insights.

Salma Hani Mubarak Ali, an aspiring fourth-year architecture student at the American University of Sharjah, embodies a fervent dedication to the architectural domain. Actively engaging in illuminating lectures, exhibitions, prestigious competitions, and rigorous research, Salma showcases her proactive involvement in the field. She harbours a profound fascination for curating architecture-themed exhibitions that intertwine with the domain of art. Additionally, her scholarly pursuits encompass comprehending the urban fabric of diverse cities and delving into the processes that shape their built environment. Salma's visionary outlook centres on crafting spatial designs that leverage AI-integrated tools to elevate the human experiential dimension. Driven by an unwavering commitment to leave an indelible mark on the architecture community, she aspires to effect positive change and foster a lasting impact.


Omar Darwish is a fourth-year architecture student at the American University of Sharjah. His primary focus lies in comprehending context-driven architecture in the Arab World. This curiosity has manifested in a series of research, which has become integral to his design process when undertaking architectural projects regionally. Omar co-founded "The Student Collective": an initiative cultivating discussions about our regional surroundings from diverse design perspectives, extending beyond architecture alone. Offering students like him the opportunity to delve deeper into the local context and establish professional connections within Sharjah. His belief in navigating archival material stems from the idea that "our architecture should be a continuation of past approaches and mistakes, rather than starting from scratch when dealing with region-specific designs".

Montaha Sheikh Idris is an architecture student at the University of Edinburgh, with a passion for utilising architecture as a tool for the betterment of communities, especially those underprivileged and underrepresented. She is actively involved with her local Sudanese community, and wants to play a part in the wider community through architecture. She has developed an interest in exploring architecture’s ability to inform identities from an individual to a national scale, and the consequential implications on such identities through the destruction of built environments. 

Marwah Osama is a Sudanese and Swiss architect and designer interested in research related to materiality, graphic representation and the role of architecture in today’s world. She is working at Heatherwick Studio, London, and has previously worked at charity and Article 25 in London and ANARCHITECT in Dubai. She completed a Master’s in Architecture (M.Arch) in Architectural Design, with Distinction, from the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, and a Bachelor of Architecture (B. Arch) from the College of Architecture, Art and Design from the American University of Sharjah. Marwah was born and raised in Geneva, Switzerland where she received her bilingual - French and English -  International Baccalaureate (IB). Her work was awarded ‘Regional Winner’ in the International Undergraduate Awards and was published and exhibited namely in Archdaily, Archnet-IJAR, Designboom, the Sharjah Architecture Triennial and Margaret Fletcher’s book ‘Visual Communication for Architects and Designers: Constructing the Persuasive Presentation’.

Duaa Abdelrahman is a passionate Sudanese architect and researcher committed to preserving cultural heritage and exploring the rich tapestry of architectural history and theory. Duaa's journey has taken her across various areas where she has engaged in groundbreaking research and collaborative projects. Her current research focuses on cultural heritage preservation and photogrammetry, exploring innovative methods to document and conserve architectural heritage. Her enthusiasm for continuous learning and teaching fuels her drive to make a meaningful impact in the architectural field.


Asmaa Zuhair, a dedicated 4th-year architecture student at the University of Khartoum, combines her skills as a filmmaker and scriptwriter to tell compelling human stories. Her passion lies in creating visuals, whether through the medium of film or the art of design. Her work focuses on capturing the human culture as it gives rise to more context-oriented designs with identity.

Arwa Omer is a Sudanese architect and designer with a BSc in Architecture from the University of Khartoum. She is passionate about urban design and research on community development and planning focused on equity, diversity, and social justice. Her interests also include historical research and storytelling through photography and film. Arwa's experience spans working as a designer in architecture and as a researcher in the humanitarian sector with the Sudanese Red Crescent Society.


Alyaa Naji is a Sudanese architect and designer with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Khartoum (2022). She has a great passion for designing sustainable and innovative buildings dedicated to maximizing the potential of existing resources through adaptive reuse. She strives to balance sustainability, economic efficiency, and heritage preservation by transforming existing buildings into spaces with new functions that meet the community's needs while preserving their historical and architectural value.

Reemaz Bashir is an accomplished Architectural Assistant with a master’s degree in Adaptive Reuse Architecture from the Manchester School of Architecture, where she graduated with distinction. Specialising in sustainable design and heritage building adaptation, she has successfully led diverse projects across residential and public sectors. Reemaz is deeply engaged in architecture and urban photography, focusing on the interplay between historical buildings and modern innovations. Through her lens, she captures the tension and harmony between layers of history—an exploration that mirrors her professional commitment to preserving and reimagining historical and modernist architecture. She is committed to advancing the knowledge base and documentation efforts in architecture whilst fostering a deeper appreciation for the cultural and historical significance of modernist architecture in Sudan.

Mohammed Ahmed holds a Bachelor of Architecture Technology from the New York City College of Technology. He was born and raised in Sudan before moving to the U.S. to pursue his passion for architectural design. He enjoys the creative process of designing spaces that inspire and connect people. Outside of architecture, he loves hiking and capturing the beauty of the outdoors through photography. His goal is to keep pushing forward—whether that means diving deeper into his design work, pursuing a Master’s degree, or exploring new opportunities that come his way.


Reem Abada is an interdisciplinary artist and designer with a Bachelor's degree in Architecture and a Minor in Interior Design. Her work explores the intersection of techniques and notions of history, culture and identity. Reem is passionate about fostering regional design dialogues that build on past approaches, emphasizing the importance of context and cultural reflection in design.


Maab Zakaria's objective is to expand upon the knowledge she gained from years of architectural design and professional experience by working in a creative and professional environment that allows her to be part of a successful team. She travelled to Europe and Asia to explore diverse architectural styles and believes that architecture is a universal language that the eye must learn, enriching her perspective and enhancing her contributions to the field.

Selma Haroun, an Algerian architect with a master’s degree in architecture from the University of Setif 01- Algeria, believes in the universality of the discipline of architecture. She is particularly interested in integrating local architectures within a universal context. She places great importance on the unique aspects of each culture and the associated social practices and their impact on inhabited spaces and the environment, both locally and globally. Her awareness of the rapid changes affecting our world makes her passionate about discovering and engaging with different cultures. It drives her to work towards built heritage preservation whenever possible, to conserve the history and memory of diverse societies and cultures.

Hiba Gasim is a passionate architect and researcher with a BSc in architecture from the University of Khartoum. Her curiosity fuels her drive to continuously explore and learn, with a strong belief in the importance of conservation and the valuable lessons that history holds, which fuels her fervour for research and documentation.


Nooran Ahmed Makkawi is a Sudanese-born and raised architect and researcher holding a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and urban planning from the University of Khartoum 2020. In 2021 joined Studio Urban’s team and started working on planning, designing, and manufacturing two museum exhibitions, the Khalifa House Museum and Darfur Museum, and later establishing Studio Urban’s online database website and recently as a research assistant. She also worked in the Republican Palace of Sudan as an Architectural Conservator for one year. She is interested in cultural heritage conservation and documentation related to the architecture/history of Sudan.

Rawya Mohamed is a Sudanese architect with a B.Sc. in Architecture from the University of Khartoum. She is passionate about the history and conservation of valuable sites and urban development. She firmly believes history and culture profoundly influence architecture and social lives. Her curiosity motivates her to seek new knowledge and expand her understanding.

Afra Azim is an architecture graduate passionate about studying historical heritage sites and their social and political significance, as they hold the keys to understanding our present and can lay the groundwork for future changes.

Noor Ibrahim is an aspiring Sudanese architect and contemporary artist in London, UK. She holds a BA in Architecture and is pursuing her M.Arch at the Architectural Association School of Architecture. Noor has gained valuable experience at Bjarke Ingels Group in early-stage competitions and detail design. As an independent and commission-based artist, she specializes in Sudanese portraits and calligraphy, showcasing her work in exhibitions across London. She is passionate about shaping innovative conceptual projects through design solutions and creates evocative, in-depth schematic illustrations.

Enas Mohammed


Past Contributors

Sara Al-Hassan graduated with an Architecture and Urban Planning Bachelor degree from the University of Khartoum in 2018 with a profound interest in urbanisation and development in The Global South research and praxis and their interpretation with art. She worked in the academic field after she graduated from the University of Khartoum. In 2019 she had the opportunity to work as a research assistant and later as a data manager for Omdurman Heritage Hub and WSCM, mapping, analysing and researching three historical cities in Sudan. Sara is a founding member of MSc.

Rawan Kamal is a PhD researcher and teaching assistant at University College Dublin interested in urban landscapes and cultural heritage conservation. Rawan obtained her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Khartoum and practised in Sudan. Moreover, as a Historic Building Consultant, she has worked on many conservation and research projects in Ireland. She has acquired a master’s degree in Urban and Building Conservation from University College Dublin (MUBC). She taught at the University of Khartoum and the National University and has supervised postgraduate theses at University College Dublin. Rawan is a founding member of MSc.

Jehad Elmamoon is a 24 years old architect and a human rights and urban activist. Jehad is interested in urban sociology and the architectural history of Sudan. She graduated from the University of Khartoum, Faculty of Architecture. She also holds a high diploma in applied sociology. She works with the National Centre for Peace and Development while participating in research at the Buildings And Roads Research Institute in Khartoum. Jehad is a founding member of MSc.

Einas Elamin graduated in 2018 with a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Urban Planning from the University of Khartoum. Einas is passionate about creating rich urban spaces celebrating Sudanese culture and heritage. Part of her undergraduate thesis project was investigating the condition of some of Khartoum city’s historical buildings located alongside the Nile River and proposing a plan to restore their heritage. Einas is a founding member of MSc.

Tayseer Abdallah is an architect and a lighting designer who obtained are Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Khartoum in 2018. As an architect, she is passionate about historic buildings and has researched the Omdurman landmark centre.

Haneen Khaled is a senior-year architecture student at the University of Khartoum. The belief that architects have an essential role to play guides her work in thinking of spaces that have the power to elevate, dignify and provide a better quality of life—aiming to maintain an intimate dialogue between architecture, people & context to create innovative and social-driven spaces. Her interests include; urban anthropology decolonizing architecture, migration & displacement and women in cities of the global south. 

Razan Moawia is a 23-year-old sudanese Architect with a Bachelor of Science degree in architecture from the University of Khartoum. She is an urban and humanitarian activist interested in how socio-economics and planning play a significant role in developing Sudanese architecture. She worked as an architect in private firms before shifting into the humanitarian and development sector with international organisations. She works in the Shelter and settlement sector with the Danish Refugee Council, specialising in research, analysis, and report writing in refugee camps around Sudan.


Rowan A. Eltahir is an Architect and calligraphy artist who graduated from the University of Khartoum, in university she co-founded Flow’er, An initiative that aimed to make a change within the faculty beside being a member of the faculty-student body for four years; Rowan is passionate about humanitarian architecture, along with the history and theory of architecture.


Amr Nassreldin is an energy engineer with a master's degree in engineering management from the University of Khartoum. His experience mainly revolves around climate change mitigation in the energy sector, and he has participated in many research projects and consultancy work in Sudan. Through his work, Amr aims to navigate and overcome the energy challenges in Sudan associated with achieving sustainable development.

Renad Abdelhakam is a social activist and final-year architecture student. She is passionate about designing spaces for people to live in. She co-founded AEE-UofK (Association of Energy Engineers University of Khartoum Chapter) and later served as the chapter's Community Services Committee Supervisor. Additionally, she co-founded StuDI to expose architectural students to the value of developing soft skills.


Alaa Awadallah is a fourth-year Bachelor of Architecture student who aspires to join the vast architectural community someday. Alaa discovered her enthusiasm for architecture through documentation and article writing, and she has previously engaged in several platforms. She has always thought that by writing professional yet amusing pieces, she can let her readers see the beauty within the architecture field and remove preconceived notions about the profession.
