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Modern Sudan Photography Competition Exhibition (Upcoming)

In partnership with Sudan Artists Fund and Sudan Architecture Forum, Docomomo Sudan welcomes submissions for ‘Modern Sudan’, an annual competition dedicated to portraying modern Sudanese architecture. The participants must submit a photograph or a series of photos (maximum 5) highlighting an aspect of modernity in the built environment conceived between the 1800s-1980s. Submissions may include architectural details, a single structure, or a collection of buildings in Sudan. We encourage participants to consider specific elements within the chosen structure, the surrounding context, and the experience and interaction of people within these buildings. 

The submission should include a short statement of 50-200 words that supports the photograph submission. Each photograph must include a caption that states the date, location, and the medium used. The submitted text may be either in Arabic, English, or both.

The jury for the competition was Ahmed Alaeldin Abushakeema, Khalid Albaih, Mohieldin Gamal, Yasmin Hamad and Zainab Gaafar. They assessed the submissions based on the subject and depiction of it within the image.

The winner received the June 2022 Sudan Artists Fund, which was $500.


Yasmine Hani
Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning

Honourable Mention
Leila Suraj
Al Hassan Al Mirghani Tomb